The school is affiliated to CBSE Board, New Delhi. The institution has excellent infrastructure to meet the current standards of education. The students are trained in many co-curricular and extracurricular activities like arts, craft, music, dance, yoga, debate, elocution, writing, quiz,etc. To maintain good health and fitness, students are given coaching in many indoor and outdoor sports activities.
Mistakes Are – Expected Inspected Respected Corrected.
“Our Greatest Glory Is Not In Never Falling, But In Rising Every Time We Fall.”
Principal's Voice
“A Child Miss Educated is a Child Lost”
We, at JSS Public School Kelageri Dharwad vehemently believe in the opening lines and tirelessly strive hard to bring meaning to famous Latin saying Docendo Discimus translating “By Teaching We Learn.” We see and value the seed for it is the bear fruit of our Endeavour in producing Global Citizens.